Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Radio station photos

Here are some photos from the radio station

Our DJ's are Jonathan and Fareed and the technician is Lana. But you can't really see Lana in the photo.

Hoped you enjoyed these photos!
Maybe you can be a DJ or a technician when you are
year 4-6!

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Fire drill

Fire Drill

Last week on Tuesday there was a fire drill.
First we had to go line up out side quickly.
Next we had to go sit down on the field.
Then our teachers had to call out our names.
After that we had to be quiet and then Miss Newman came and said how long it took...3min and 15 seconds.
Next Mr C. talked about ideas so we could be faster.
After Mr C. spoke, Whaea Donna said when the roll was finished to get into order.
Ater that we had to sit up nicely so we can go back to class.
By Skye, Danidi, Tao